Bad air conditioning in the first room provided. Second room, the sensor for the electrics broke, 45 mins later gets fixed but leaves mess all over the floor including bits of wire and plaster board, no one cleaned. Following evening it breaks again and I’m told an engineer would come. 20 mins later I’m back to front desk to be told he’s coming right away. I go back to be told he’s definitely coming this time. No show, meanwhile I’m sitting outside of my room because nothing works inside. Long story short, he didn’t come and told front desk it can’t be fixed . I ask to change room and she tells me there are no other rooms. Then the arguing starts where I’m asking for my money back so I can go to a new hotel. Obviously im told no. I’m told they can’t refund because I booked through an agent and so there’s nothing they can do. But still no alternative offered. Then, by some act of god, another room is found, hurrah. Catch is, the lights are broken…what!? So there’s no room that I can use that has lighting or full electricity, and no refund so I can go somewhere else. Lots more arguing and 2.5 hours since I arrived back I have to leave. So I leave, contact the agent who then contacts the hotel the next day and they are refusing the refund. Don’t trust this hotel, if something goes wrong they will steal your money. I should have at least received an agreement to refund to the agent but they refuse. If a hotel you pay for can’t provide a room, you should not be charged. Period!