Wulflam House

Wulflam House featuring heritage elements

Stralsund is full of delightful and historically significant architecture, but especially important is this remarkably preserved medieval house that now houses a restaurant.

Visit Wulflam House, or Wulflamhaus, in Stralsund’s Old Town and note how its features mirror the intricate design of the town hall. Explore the interior of Wulflamhaus and learn more about the family who used to live here.

Whether you are interested in history or design, you’ll find something to appreciate. Stand directly in front of the building to admire the North German architecture in the Gothic style, characterized by the warm red brickwork.

It is thought that Wulflamhaus was built before 1358, making it impressively old even by the standards of historic Stralsund.

Head into the house to see preserved wall paintings dating back to the 15th century. These reflect the wealth and power of the original owners of the house, the Stralsund councilor Bertram Wulflam and his family. It was Wulflam who commissioned the building of the house and wanted it to sit across from the town hall.

Notice the many changes the house has undergone over the years. For instance, two spaces at the front of the house are thought to have once been balconies where the Wulflam family would sit and look out at the town. You can also spot the original beams that helped give the house its structure.

Today, the inside of the house is occupied by a restaurant that specializes in delicious meat and fish dishes. Book a table ahead of time if you are hoping to visit for dinner, as it is a popular place for tourists. Sit outside and enjoy the sun in good weather.

Because of its modern usage, going in to take a look at Wulflam House’s interior is free. Access the interior via the restaurant. Be sure to take pictures from the outside too, however, as the marvelous exterior architecture makes this a revered landmark.

The best way to get around Old Town to Wulflamhaus is to walk from other parts of Stralsund. If you drive a car, be aware that only limited metered parking is available nearby.

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