Västmanland County

Popular cities in Västmanland County
Known for Historical, Cathedrals and Museums
Västerås has a long history of innovation and great visions. This is a modern city with a small-town feel, great nightlife and exciting attractions!
Known for Friendly people, Natural parks and Golf
For 800 years, Sala was one of Sweden's most important silver mines. Today the city offers Swedish cultural history, healing spring water and beautiful scenery.
Known for Rivers, Cathedrals and Gardens
Cosy streets, beautiful old houses and fascinating museums characterise this vibrant business city in the vicinity of Lake Hjälmaren.
Known for Dining, Bars and Friendly people
Koping attracts visitors of all ages with old buildings, ancient rock carvings and plenty of outdoor activities.
Known for UNESCO site, Islands and Golf
Well preserved historical villages, beautiful nature and exciting explorations awaits in the wonderful Swedish town of Fagersta.
AggarönAngelsbergArbogaBarkaröBastmoraBroddboBrottbergaByjorden-Nibbles- BackeDalDingtunaDjupeboDjupnäsEkbackenErlandsboFagerstaFarnaForkestaFornebyForsenGockstaGrasnasGunnarsöknaGötlundaHallstaHallstahammarHarkieKarbenningKarmansboKolbackKolsvaKulingeKungsörKvistbergaKöpingLagersbergLakstaLasjöLejdeLitslundaMöklintaNorbergOlbergaOppvretaRallstaRamnasRanstaRiddarhyttanRosshyttanSalaSalbohedSandtorpSeglingsbergSkerikeSkinnskattebergSkultunaSorbyStrömsholmSurahammarSvanaSyltaSäteriet-UggleboSätrabrunnTillbergaVadVagerstaValskogVasterasVevdeVikhusVintervikenVirsboVästanforsVästerfärneboÅs