Popular cities in Schleswig-Holstein
Visit the famous Holsten Gate and journey into the past on your city trip to Lübeck.
Reasons to visit
- Lübeck Town Hall
- Museum Holstentor
- Gothmund
Go on outings to World War II landmarks and naval museums, and experience a massive annual sailing party at this busy port city.
Reasons to visit
- Kiel Opera House
Explore the harbor, historic ships, museums, old town and maritime history of this famous one-time rum-trading port.
Reasons to visit
- Rote Street
Unwind during your city trip to Fehmarn and enjoy the expansive beaches on the only Baltic Sea island in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, one of the sunniest regions in Germany with a mild yet bracing climate.
Reasons to visit
- Strand Fehmarnsund
Reasons to visit
- Westerland Beach
Reasons to visit
- Husum Harbour
Cities in Schleswig-Holstein
Explore the harbor, historic ships, museums, old town and maritime history of this famous one-time rum-trading port.
Timmendorfer Strand
Fill your lungs with fresh sea air and experience this rejuvenating resort on the Baltic Coast, where gentle bay waters lap at a wide, sandy shoreline.
Go on outings to World War II landmarks and naval museums, and experience a massive annual sailing party at this busy port city.
AhrensburgAlkersumBad SegebergBad St. Peter-OrdingBehrensdorfBisdorfBrodersbyBurg auf FehmarnBüsumDagebuellDahmeDampEckernfoerdeElmshornEutinFehmarnFlensburgFriedrichskoogFriedrichskoog-SpitzeFriedrichstadtGeltingGlindeGluecksburgGremersdorfGroemitzGrossenbrodeHaffkrugHarrisleeHasselbergHeideHeikendorfHeiligenhafenHelgolandHeringsdorfHohwachtHusumHörnum (Sylt)KampenKappelnKeitumKellenhusenKielKronsgaardLaboeLangballigListLübeckMaasholmMalenteMitteMoellnNebelNeukirchenNeumuensterNeustadt in HolsteinNieblumNiebuellNiendorfNiendorf/OstseeNorddeichNorddorfNorderstedtNordstrandOldenburg in HolsteinOlpenitzPellwormPelzerhakenPloenRantumRatekauRatzeburgRendsburgScharbeutzSchashagenSchilkseeSchleswigSchonberger StrandSchönbergSchönhagenSierksdorfSt. Peter-OrdingStadumStrandeSyltSüderlügumTatingTimmendorfer StrandTinnumToenningUtersumWaabsWangelsWedelWeissenhaeuser StrandWendtorfWenningstedt-BraderupWesterlandWittduenWrixumWyk auf Foehr