
Popular cities in Schleswig-Holstein
Known for Historical, Museums and Monuments
Visit the famous Holsten Gate and journey into the past on your city trip to Lübeck.
Reasons to visit
- Lübeck Town Hall
- Old Lighthouse Travemuende
- Museum Holstentor
Known for Sea, Museums and Historical
Go on outings to World War II landmarks and naval museums, and experience a massive annual sailing party at this busy port city.
Reasons to visit
- Kiel Opera House
Known for Ports, Historical and Churches
Explore the harbor, historic ships, museums, old town and maritime history of this famous one-time rum-trading port.
Reasons to visit
- Rote Street
Known for Ferries and boats, Museums and Monuments
Unwind during your city trip to Fehmarn and enjoy the expansive beaches on the only Baltic Sea island in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, one of the sunniest regions in Germany with a mild yet bracing climate.
Reasons to visit
- Strand Fehmarnsund
Cities in Schleswig-Holstein

Get front-row seats to the stunning Bay of Luebeck in this seaside resort, where a lively promenade overlooks the beach and a luxurious Baltic Sea spa.

Timmendorfer Strand
Fill your lungs with fresh sea air and experience this rejuvenating resort on the Baltic Coast, where gentle bay waters lap at a wide, sandy shoreline.

Unwind during your city trip to Fehmarn and enjoy the expansive beaches on the only Baltic Sea island in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, one of the sunniest regions in Germany with a mild yet bracing climate.
AlkersumBad SegebergBad St. Peter-OrdingBehrensdorfBlekendorfBrodersbyBurg auf FehmarnBusumer DeichhausenBüsumDagebuellDahmeDampEckernfoerdeEsmarkEutinFehmarnFlensburgFriedrichskoogFriedrichskoog-SpitzeFriedrichstadtGeltingGluecksburgGremersdorfGroemitzGrossenbrodeGrubeHaffkrugHallig HoogeHarrisleeHeideHeikendorfHeiligenhafenHelgolandHeringsdorfHohwachtHolnisHusumHörnum (Sylt)KampenKappelnKeitumKellenhusenKielKronsgaardLaboeLangballigListLübeckMaasholmMalenteMidlumNebelNeukirchenNeumuensterNeustadt in HolsteinNieblumNiebuellNiendorfNiendorf/OstseeNorddeichNorddorfNorderstedtNordstrandOldenburg in HolsteinOlpenitzPellwormPelzerhakenPloenRantumRatekauRatzeburgRendsburgScharbeutzSchashagenSchilkseeSchleswigSchonberger StrandSchönbergSchönhagenSierksdorfSt. Peter-OrdingSteinStrandeSueselSyltTatingTimmendorfer StrandTinnumToenningTwedtUtersumWaabsWangelsWedelWeissenhaeuser StrandWendtorfWenningstedt-BraderupWesterlandWittduenWyk auf Foehr