
Popular cities in Hovedstaden
Known for Biking, Museums and Theaters
Denmark’s capital city oozes historic charm, laced with a cool contemporary vibe that's uniquely Scandinavian.
Reasons to visit
- Tivoli Gardens
- Copenhagen Opera House
- City Hall Square
Known for Art, Marinas and Natural parks
Learn about Denmark’s history, hike along the cliffs and taste the island’s cuisine.
Known for Historical, Castle and Art
Framed by long stretches of beach and verdant forests, this Danish port town is also home to a castle made famous in William Shakespeare.
Known for Museums, Art and Camping
Enjoy a holiday of discovery in Rønne among beautiful half-timbered houses.
Known for Art, Wildlife and Churches
Hop in the waves of the Baltic Sea waves from one of Denmark’s best beaches, relax in the cosy town centre overlooking the harbour and sea, or test your strength with Rokkestenen, the rocking stone.
Known for Sea, Art and Swimming
Smoked herring, the harbour, the museums and beautiful nature – it's easy to see why Gudhjem on Bornholm Island is such a popular place to visit.
Cities in Hovedstaden

Copenhagen (and vicinity)
Denmark’s capital city oozes historic charm, laced with a cool contemporary vibe that's uniquely Scandinavian.

Home to Denmark’s national aquarium, this suburb in southern Copenhagen also has an attractive coastline, nature trails and an open-air swimming pool.

Enjoy the Paris-like atmosphere of Værnedamsvej, pick up a unique memento in the myriad of small specialist shops, relax in Frederiksberg Have or take a trip to the zoo.

Framed by long stretches of beach and verdant forests, this Danish port town is also home to a castle made famous in William Shakespeare.

Kongens Lyngby
Walk in the historic Jægersborg Dyrehave, explore one of the best-preserved villages in the country and go wild on the rides at Bakken amusement park.

A holiday in Hillerød offers renaissance architecture, active entertainment and lush scenery. A place to relax and enjoy in the capital of northern Zealand.

Enjoy a romantic stroll through the lovely park, check out the latest fashions in the well-appointed shopping centre and admire the view from the top of Oxbjerget.
AkirkebyAlbertslundAllerodAllingeAlsgardeBaadstedBagsværdBalkaBalka StrandBallerupBedegaardBirkerodBoderneBrondbyCharlottenlundCopenhagen (and vicinity)DragorDronningmolleDueoddeDyssegårdEspergaerdeFarumFredensborgFrederiksbergFrederikssundFrederiksvaerkGentofteGillelejeGlostrupGraestedGudhjemHasleHedehuseneHellebaekHellerupHelsingeHelsingorHerlevHillerodHoje TaastrupHolteHornbaekHorsholmHumlebaekHundestedHvidovreIshojJægersprisKastrupKlampenborgKlemenskerKokkedalKongens LyngbyKulhuseKvistgårdLiselejeLyngeMalovMelbyMunkerupNaerumNexøNexøNivaOlstedOlstykkeOster SomarkenRonneRungsted KystRågelejeRødovreSandkaasSandvigSkaevingeSkibbySkodsborgSkuldelevSlangerupSmørumSnekkerstenSnogebaekSoborgSpidsegårdStenloseStore MaglebySvanekeSømarkenTejnTikobTisvildelejeUdsholt SandVaerloseVallensaekVallensbæk StrandVedbaekVejbyVekso SjaellandVirumØstermarie