Waqrapukara is an archaeological complex located in the district of Acos, province of Acomayo, department of Cusco.
Very close to the Apurímac River, at 4,300 meters above sea level, where you can only walk.
- Between 3:00 and 3:30 am. We start with pick-up at your hotel and then head towards the town center of Ttio, where we will have a delicious breakfast.
- Then we start a journey of about 45 min. to the starting point of the trekking tip road in the Pitumarka sector.
- The way of departure will take between 2 hrs and 2:30 hrs, having as view the Apurimac Canyon.
- Arriving at the Archaeological Complex of Waqrapukara where we will have lunch and we will have a guided tour through Inca style andeneries and funeral complexes that are located in the back part of the complex.
- Once the route is finished, we start the return by a zigzag path until we reach the same starting point and return to Cusco.
- On the return, we will have a brief stop in Ttio for tea time and a few copies of art, if the population is available.
- On our return we will leave it in the Plaza Mayor of Cusco.
- 7:00 p.m. approx. Arrival in Cusco.