The late fall and winter months are some of the best seasons to kayak around Tromsø. The water is crystal clear, the air is crisp and clean and the early afternoon sunsets are beyond beautiful. It begins with the bright colors of fall, with white tipped peaks, untill the landscape is covered in white.
After you transfer from city centre to our cozy basecamp, we suit up in drysuits, receive a safty briefing and short intoduction to kayaking technique and begin our adventure kayaking our way through the sounds, islands and archipelagos, all covered in snow. Even though the Arctic winter is cold and unforgiving, a large amount of wildlife is thriving in the food rich areas up here, both under and over the sea surface. Often a seal or ten will curiously show up by our side and follow us for a while. Look out for common eiders gathering urchins, White-tailed Sea Eagles scouting for prey, or a shy otter swimming away with its latest fish catch.
In the darkest period from the middle of november to end of january we are all about polar nights with the stars twinkling 24 hours a day. Kayaking in the Arctic winter is actually warmer than you think with out top notch equipment especially suited for a winter adventure on the water.
After the kayaking we will return to our basecamp, lights up the fire and enjoy a hot beverage and snacks and share memories of the day:)