Explore the Ribeira de Torre valley on this day trip from Ribeira Grande. See local villages like Chu Chu on a hike through the countryside. Stroll by a mountain waterfall and swim in a natural pool. Find out about local rum at the Grogue rum distillery.
Be picked up from the comfort of your accommodation in Ribeira Grande. Sit back and relax on the drive to the trailhead in Faja da Cima which lies at an altitude of 1,480 meters. Start your hike up the slopes to Rabo Curto through lush natural flora up the slopes to Rabo Curto.
Admire cultivated agricultural terraces and small houses on the way to the village of Lombo de Pedra. Cross hills on your way to the Ribeira de Torre valley. See sugar cane and fruit trees as you walk.
Arrive in Chu Chu (Xoxo) village where you can enjoy sweeping views of the valley of Ribeira Grande. Pass close to waterfall and have the option to take a refreshing dip in a natural swimming pool.
On the way down, view banana and coffee plantations. Visit a local rum distillery called Grogue at the end of the route. Return to your accommodation in Ribeira Grande at the end of your tour.