Painters like Gabriele “Ella” Münter, Wassily Kandinsky, Marianne Werefkin and Alexej Jawlensky, and novelists like Walter von Molo, as well as artists like Cuno Fischer and Emanuel von Seidl discovered the beauty of Murnau and it's environment. Therefore they have chosen our lovely town as living place. They have left traces still available. Murnau lies on a ridge and offers great views towards the Bavarian pre-Alps and Alps, as well as over the Murnau moss. You define in what you're interested and how much time you want to spend in a guided tour or an accompanied hike - and I will amend the program accordingly. My aim is to introduce you to the beauty and history of our region
and to offer you unforgettable impressions. I offer the tours in German, English and French languages. After the tour you decide what my service is worth and pay me accordingly.