Brussels legends have been transmitted until today. True, possible or wrong, they are nevertheless anchored in the history of the city.
We will bring you into the city and its history through the door of its urban and anecdotes that have been told there for centuries. Between the emblematic large place, starting point for the visit, and less frequented places such as the canal, Molenbeek and Sainctelette, follow the thread of several stories, true or invented, which have crossed the imaginary of the Bruxellois over the ages .
During this walk, you will discover among others:
- The statue of T’Serclaes;
- the cylinder head of judge Herkendael;
- The earthenware of rue des Pierres
-The little cremary of Saint-Nicolas
- Uilenspiegel legend
- The story of the sea dog
- rue du Cygne;
- the monument to the glory of pigeons;
- the vaartkapoen;
- and other stories and anecdotes …