Wander around London’s financial district in the scenic docklands with the tallest skyscrapers in the city. They are home to some of the world’s biggest companies.
This bustling, energetic area of London has been likened to Times Square in the US. It\'s also the perfect place to start your London sightseeing adventure.
Created as the focal point of Britain’s millennium celebrations, today this architectural wonder offers a world of entertainment under one enormous roof.
This bustling, cosmopolitan area of London is one of Europe’s busiest retail areas. Discover Britain’s eclectic shopping scene or catch a popular musical.
Journey though history and learn about the lives of the British Royal Family at this official London residence, set in the magnificent Kensington Gardens.
This bustling, cosmopolitan area of London is one of Europe’s busiest retail areas. Discover Britain’s eclectic shopping scene or catch a popular musical.
Created as the focal point of Britain’s millennium celebrations, today this architectural wonder offers a world of entertainment under one enormous roof.