From national celebrations to mass protests, Beijing’s main square has been the scene of many of China’s most important gatherings and is a must-see for any visitor.
From national celebrations to mass protests, Beijing’s main square has been the scene of many of China’s most important gatherings and is a must-see for any visitor.
Explore museums full of precious artefacts, cycle along one of the country’s most complete city walls and visit hot springs at this major city in central west China.
Take a stroll along the shaded avenues of Shanghai’s historic French Concession before enjoying a spot of shopping in some of the city’s trendiest boutiques.
Explore museums full of precious artefacts, cycle along one of the country’s most complete city walls and visit hot springs at this major city in central west China.
Be dazzled by the gold-and-red heart of Asia, featuring rugged mountain landscapes, huge fast-paced cities and breathtaking monuments to ancient culture.
Be dazzled by the gold-and-red heart of Asia, featuring rugged mountain landscapes, huge fast-paced cities and breathtaking monuments to ancient culture.
Explore museums full of precious artefacts, cycle along one of the country’s most complete city walls and visit hot springs at this major city in central west China.
Explore museums full of precious artefacts, cycle along one of the country’s most complete city walls and visit hot springs at this major city in central west China.