The Wonderland, mini-golf and high-wire zip lines create a family playground in this vast park. Everyone can enjoy the nature trails and historical relics.
This spectacularly beautiful cathedral plays a significant part in Berlin’s religious and cultural life, as well as being a honeypot for visitors to the city.
The Wonderland, mini-golf and high-wire zip lines create a family playground in this vast park. Everyone can enjoy the nature trails and historical relics.
Torched by Hitler, bombed by Britain and stormed by the Russians, the seat of German power has risen again as a symbol of a united, progressive Germany.
Torched by Hitler, bombed by Britain and stormed by the Russians, the seat of German power has risen again as a symbol of a united, progressive Germany.
This museum has an eclectic collection of the china cups and pots that served as containers for the Victorians’ most cherished beverage and pastime: tea.
This spectacularly beautiful cathedral plays a significant part in Berlin’s religious and cultural life, as well as being a honeypot for visitors to the city.
This spectacularly beautiful cathedral plays a significant part in Berlin’s religious and cultural life, as well as being a honeypot for visitors to the city.
This spectacularly beautiful cathedral plays a significant part in Berlin’s religious and cultural life, as well as being a honeypot for visitors to the city.