Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi

Take a tour of this 19th-century church in the center of Santa Fe to see its statues and brightly colored stained-glass windows.

The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi is a 19th-century church of Romanesque Revival design. Its style is a stark contrast to the surrounding clay adobe structures that date back to an earlier era. Its standout features are its arches, pediment, rose window and towers on either side of the façade’s center. Inside the church, investigate the stained-glass windows.

Admire the French-influenced design of the cathedral, which was built from yellow limestone blocks. Take photos of the impressive façade. Marvel at the colorful stained-glass windows inside the church. The building provides a cool shelter in the afternoon from New Mexico’s heat. Listen to soothing hymns during mass.

One tower is taller than its opposite flank by a single row of bricks. Note the small round stained glass window that features a dove; it was a late addition to the site in 2005. Visit the church in the evening to see it in the warm glow of its exterior lanterns. Step into the Loretto Chapel next to the cathedral to learn about its mysterious staircase. Relax in one of the green parks nearby and dine at a bistro in central Santa Fe.

Marvel at the statues of St. Francis of Assisi and Saint Kateri, the first American Indian to be beatified, on the portico outside the church. Find a statue of Father John Baptist Lamy, who had a key role in the construction of the cathedral. Fourteen life-size sculptures, known as the Stations of the Cross, depict the stages leading up to the crucifixion.

The cathedral was constructed on the site of a former 17th-century church, which was destroyed in the 1680 Pueblo Revolt. The church is open to visits from the public.

Find the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi in the center of Santa Fe. In its central location, plenty of cafés, restaurants, bars and boutiques surround the church. The Santa Fe Depot Rail Runner Station is a 15-minute walk southwest from the basilica.