Skaket Beach

Warm, clear waters make this beach destination ideal for casual swimming, watersports or a restorative rest on the white sandy shore. 

If you arrive during low tide at Skaket Beach, you might be surprised by the great distance you can walk before reaching the water. Feel the soft grains of the fine, warm sand between your toes. Wade through the shallow waters once you reach them. Stay to enjoy the mesmerizing pink and orange sunset.

The natural environment of Skaket Beach is as stunning as any in Cape Cod. Lonely docks stand over sandy ridges carved by the wind and tufts of bright green grass. The ocean horizon gradually bends into the blue of the sky above. Capture it all with your camera if you can. Appreciate the subtleties of the vast landscape, so rich in detail and color that experiencing them in person is a memory worth cherishing.

Skaket Beach is a prized spot for many repeat Cape Cod visitors. Its small size lends it a certain intimacy. Enjoy a pleasant afternoon, undisturbed by commotion. Spend a moment in deep thought while watching reflections in a rock pool or run free of cares through the reedy grasses. Stand still and let the gentle breeze brush the grass against your ankles.

Because the Skaket Beach surf and undertow are gentle at any time of day, parents can enjoy the comfort of letting their children roam about safely on their own in these waters. The refreshing calm in Skaket Beach is a more serene alternative to a busy day of kayaking, swimming or surfing elsewhere. Read throughout the afternoon or take a peaceful nap under the shade of a big umbrella.

Car parking at Skaket Beach is free at certain times of day, although extra fees for beach access vary. Walk just over 1.9 mile (3 kilometers) west from Orleans through beautiful sections of colonial architecture and amid the natural beauty of the New England landscape. Come see why many frequent Cape Cod vacationers call Skaket Beach their favorite part of the area’s shoreline.