The only building still standing in the atomic bomb’s devastating hypocenter now crests the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, symbolizing the city’s plea for peace.
The only building still standing in the atomic bomb’s devastating hypocenter now crests the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, symbolizing the city’s plea for peace.
The only building still standing in the atomic bomb’s devastating hypocenter now crests the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, symbolizing the city’s plea for peace.
The only building still standing in the atomic bomb’s devastating hypocenter now crests the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, symbolizing the city’s plea for peace.
The only building still standing in the atomic bomb’s devastating hypocenter now crests the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, symbolizing the city’s plea for peace.
The only building still standing in the atomic bomb’s devastating hypocenter now crests the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, symbolizing the city’s plea for peace.
The only building still standing in the atomic bomb’s devastating hypocenter now crests the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, symbolizing the city’s plea for peace.
The only building still standing in the atomic bomb’s devastating hypocenter now crests the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, symbolizing the city’s plea for peace.
The only building still standing in the atomic bomb’s devastating hypocenter now crests the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, symbolizing the city’s plea for peace.