Ratings based on 14 Verified Reviews

4.6 out of 5
100% of guests recommend
4.7 Room cleanliness
4.7 Service & staff
4.6 Room comfort
4.4 Hotel condition
Expedia Verified Reviews
4 out of 5
by A verified traveler

Comfortable and friendly stay in Kashgar

Posted 23 Sep 2019 on Hotels
We had a wonderful stay at The Radisson Blu in Kashgar. Staff were exceptionally friendly and accommodating, we’re very helpful in helping us get around as we only spoke English. They recommended activities, and organized much of our transport. Hotel restaurant is good with a great selection of food throughout the day. The only drawback would be the location, we easily caught taxis to and from Radisson, however there is not much in the immediate hotel vaginitis if you were wanting to walk and explore. Overall a great stay
Comment from Hotel Management
23 Sep 2019 by Jeff Li, Hotel Management
Dear guests, Thank you for your recognition. We will continue to provide you with better service and look forward to your visit.
5 out of 5
by A verified traveler

This traveler left a rating score only Posted 29 Apr 2018 on Hotels
5 out of 5
for Everyone
by A verified traveler

Posted 11 Oct 2017
Wonderful hotel with great staff that, thankfully, spoke English. The restaurants are delicious. The rooms are clean, spacious, and have great amenities. The only downside of this hotel is that it's not near the main parts of town.
4 out of 5
by A verified traveler

Silk Road

Posted 18 Sep 2017 on Hotels
The hotel was very nice, in fact, one of the best on our Silk Road trip from Xian.
5 out of 5
for Everyone
by A verified traveler from Toronto, Canada

Nice new hotel

Posted 25 May 2017
Great concierge service in arranging a local tour to the magnificent Pamir Mountain. The food in the restaurant is modern, abundant, and clean. The room is spacious and shower is modern. Highly recommended.
4 out of 5
for Everyone
by A verified traveler

Posted 1 Feb 2017
Nice Western hotel. Room service and a la carte food was excellent, although the dinner buffet was lackluster for comparable hotels.
5 out of 5
by Simon from London

International comfort in rural outpost

Posted 24 Aug 2015 on Hotels
Stayed for five nights as a base for exploring Xinjiang, and it couldn't have been better. This must be the best hotel in Kashgar - it hasn't got any local atmosphere because it Is an international standard hotel, but if you want comfort, and fine service and food, as an escape after your days of exploring this fascinating and idiosyncratic distant outpost of China, I can recommend it. The location is out of the city in a bit of a dusty nowhere, but as a result it is quiet. Thoroughly recommended.
5 out of 5

Best Hotel in Kasghar

Posted 3 Jul 2015 on Hotels
The only 5 star hotel in Kasghar. Excellent stay. Probably the best looking modern building in Kasghar as well.
5 out of 5
by A verified traveler


Posted 16 Nov 2019 on Hotels
空港からは遠くアクセスの悪い部類だと思いましたが、とにかく綺麗でした。 とても広いフロントでは皆英語を話せますし、観光施設のえいぎょう時間変更も親切に教えていただきました。 部屋は少し良い部屋にしたこともあり非常に広く、歯ブラシあり、トイレバス別で大きなバスタブがありました。 たっぷりのお湯で気持ち良く入浴しましたが、見上げたライトの中に大きめの虫の死骸が見えたのは少し残念でした。 バスローブにスリッパにと、アメニティ類も申し分ありませんでした。 周辺に店もほとんどなく食事に少し困りますが、また利用したいと思います。
5 out of 5
by A verified traveler


Posted 10 Nov 2019 on Hotels
麗笙座落在喀什市區的最南邊,附近是公務員住的小區,門前是一大片林園花圃和尚未成蔭的公園,步行五百公尺就有很多商店,不怕找不到東西吃。我們傍晚坐了一部慢車,花了30分鐘從機場到麗笙,離開時坐了一部快車只跑了20分鐘。從這裡坐車子到古城區也很近,出入方便。而且每個十字路口都有公安和武警,又有警備卡車來回巡邏,非常安全,跟住在總統府差不多。 這座酒店很新,應該啟用沒幾年,我們住了一間十六樓的套房,非常寬敞。可是浴室排水出了問題,經反應,沒幾分鐘就來人了,真的很快。花了很大功夫才修好了,那是手管本身的設計問題,結果用沒兩天又堵塞。後來換到十七樓。十六樓清潔房間的服務員是維族少女,而且是美女,友善,工作很認真。十七樓是一群漢族大姐,服務態度是一流的,客氣、速度快,效率好,我要4台加濕器和空氣過濾器,話才說完不到三分鐘,立即送來。在我住過的數十家4~5星酒店裡,是罕見的好。 前檯的服務也是很友善的,但一定要找漢人服務員。不過餐廳的服務員就不行了。我們住了4晚,吃了3次早餐,11月4~5日早餐的維族女服務生很懶散,只顧著講手機和聊天,看到一堆殘食盤子都視而不見;11月6日的維族男服務生就很好,會主動來巡視和整理桌面。 一樓附設一家好像叫雪蓮的飯館,也不錯,好吃,份量大,不貴。 說實在,喀什沒有想像中好玩,到處都是灰塵,一天當中最乾淨、幸福的時光就是在套房裡的小日子。沒有麗笙的套房和賓至如歸的服務,實在活不下去。