
Popular cities in Finnmark
Known for Ports, Small town and Camping
Discover northern Norway’s remote natural beauty and wildlife while traversing spectacular snow-covered mountains or during deep-sea fishing charters.
Reasons to visit
- North Cape
- Honningsvåg Port
- Knivskjellodden
Known for Northern lights, Tours and Recreation
Alta is one of our northernmost towns and is the perfect place to experience Norwegian nature and mountain plateaus. You also get to experience city life and culture!
Reasons to visit
- Northern Lights Cathedral
- Alta Rock Carvings
- Alta Museum
Known for Ports, Sea and Boating
Outgoing and talkative locals with tall tales to tell make a visit to Hammerfest that bit more exciting.
Reasons to visit
- Kvalsund Bridge
- Kvalsund Church
Known for Relaxing, Art and Dining
Come to the Finnmark plateau and discover stunning scenery. Learn about Sami art and culture and enjoy a traditional meal prepared over an open fire.
Reasons to visit
- Sapmi Park
Cities in Finnmark

Alta is one of our northernmost towns and is the perfect place to experience Norwegian nature and mountain plateaus. You also get to experience city life and culture!

Enjoy the midnight sun during summer and the northern lights in winter. Experience Norwegian history near the Russian border.

Outgoing and talkative locals with tall tales to tell make a visit to Hammerfest that bit more exciting.

Discover northern Norway’s remote natural beauty and wildlife while traversing spectacular snow-covered mountains or during deep-sea fishing charters.

In a far northern point in Europe, discover a small picturesque fishing village and a very popular cruise ship destination.

Surrounded by Arctic nature, this town lies amid the fascinating land of the northernmost indigenous group in all of Europe.
AltaBatsfjordBerlevagBjørnevatnBreivikbotnBugøynesBævkoppBørselvGamvikGjesværHakkstabbenHammerfestHamningbergHasvikHavoysundHessengHonningsvågIndre BillefjordKarasjokKautokeinoKibergKirkenesKjøllefjordKomagfjordKongsfjordKorsfjordenKvalsundKvibyKåfjord kommuneKårhamnLakselvLebesbyLoppaMathisdalenMehamnMåsøyMåsøy kommuneNeidenNessebyNordkappNordvågenPorsangerRafsbotnRepparfjordRepvågRussenesRypefjordSkaidiSkardsvagSkoganvarreSouth VarangerStabbursnesStorekorsnesSvanvikSørværTanaTverrelvdalenVadsoVadsøVardøVestre JakobselvØksfjordØksfjordbotn