The historical importance of Ferns is underlined by thefact that archaeological digs have unearthed evidence that the area nowoccupied by the village was lived in by people during four distinct eras: the Bronzeand Iron ages, followed by the Christian and Norman eras.
The importance of Ferns in historical terms is underlined by the fact thatit is known as ‘The Gateway to NormanWexford’, a title which recognises its position as the perfect place fromwhich to explore the landscape and history of this richly evocative part of theRepublic of Ireland.
It’s not all about the past, however, as thispicturesque village offers much to keep visitors entertained and active. Fansof fast vehicles and spectacular action should head to the South East MotocrossClub, where motorbikes roar and race around off-road circuits during practicesessions and events taking place throughout the year.
FernsSt. Aidans is the local hurling and Gaelic football club, and dates back to1886. Those wishing to get a glimpse of this fast and furious national sportshould get along to the clubs three pitches, where the chances are, withapproximately 300 members involved, there’ll be something exciting going on.
Visitors who are feeling like they’d ratherparticipate than simply watch can take part in a wealth of activities allbased within easy travelling distance of Ferns itself. The proximity of the Wexford coastlinemeans that all types of aquatic fun lie close to hand. From taking a boat outalong the estuary and enjoying the scenery and wildlife to surfing andexploring the rocks and caves, no matter what your age or experience of thesea, you’ll be able to find a way of enjoying it.
Regular events in and around Ferns include the BlackstairsBlues festival which takes place every September in Enniscorthy, and theStrawberry Festival which is held in the same village in June. The latterincludes traditional street music, a farmers market and a fun fair and is amust for anyone wishing to enjoy a taste of traditional Ireland.
History inFerns
Speaking of traditional Ireland, the fascinatingplaces and objects along the Fernsheritage trail include the visitors centre adjacent to Ferns Castle, which featuresa tapestry telling the story of Ferns,and the castle’s three storey tower, from which stunning views of the surroundingcountryside can be enjoyed.
Taken as a whole, Ferns is a picturesque and tranquil village which allowsa glimpse back into the past, while still being set firmly in thepresent.