Although the Green Manmusic festival at Glanusk Park swells the visitor numbers in August, during therest of the year, you'll find a quintessential example of small town life inPowys and the southeast of Wales.
Shoppingin Crickhowell
A quick browse around thehigh street will show you just how seriouslyCrickhowell values its local identity as most ofthe shops are independently owned and provide a wide range of locally sourcedproduce as well as very knowledgeable shop keepers.
Crickhowellis a fine example of a thriving rural town that’s full of character. If you'rehoping to get kitted out to explore the surrounding area you'll find plenty ofsports and outdoor stores that will be more than happy to help you on yourjourney.
Restaurantsin Crickhowell
From pub grub and cider tobistros and champagne, there is a great assortment of restaurants and places toeat in Crickhowell with some stunning settings toenjoy whilst you tuck in.
There's nothing betterafter a good day's trek or stroll than a delicious plate of home cooked foodand for hearty portions, log fires and fresh local produce you've certainlycome to the right place.
Landmarksin Crickhowell
Wherever you turn in Powysyou're reminded of the past: Crickhowell iscertainly no exception to this. There are castles, canals and churchesproviding constant reminders of times gone by.
LlanthonyPriory, the National Mining Museum and the World Heritage siteof Blaenavon Ironworks all make for a fascinating trip down memory lane,especially when viewed against the backdrop of the stunning countryside.
OutdoorActivities in Crickhowell
No matter how fast or howslow you like to take your outdoor recreation,Crickhowell can accommodate you with its array ofhiking, biking and pony trekking trails to help you keep active amongst thehillsides.
Aside from the choice ofphysical outdoor pursuits, Crickhowell is alsohome to a good range of art galleries and craft shops, which will no doubtinspire even the most reticent of artists to pick up a paintbrush or camera andmake the most of the surrounding scenery.
Naturein Crickhowell
Nature reserves providesome excellent opportunities to view indigenous wildlife in its naturalwoodland or hillside habitat.
Of course, for many, thenatural world of southeast Wales starts and endswith the BreconBeacons and the Black Mountains, and it will come asno surprise that these landscapes dominate the region and they will form muchmore than an evening's worth of enjoyable conversation.
Crickhowellis a small, yet charming, town in Powys with a proud independent spirit that isstill always typified by a very warm welcome. Anyone interested in exploringand getting outdoors will be in their absolute element but artists, musiciansand authors are also amongst those coming back for an inspirational taste ofthe good life.