County Tipperary


County Tipperary
County Tipperary
County Tipperary
County Tipperary
County Tipperary
The famous old WW1 song may have declared that it’s along way to Tipperary but this small town israther easy to get to and enjoy these days, with excellent transport links tothe rest of Ireland and Europe.

Small Town Charm

With a population of just over 4,500, the town ofTipperary is the very epitome of small townIreland. It exudes the warmth of local charmthrough every one of its streets, shops, pubs and hotels.

Located between Limerickand Cashel, ‘Tipp’ is an excellent place to discover the real culture andhistory of Ireland. There’s a number of small pubsperfect for experiencing the local food, drink and hospitality.

There’s something unique but also reassuringlyfamiliar about Tipperary. Its picture postcardprettiness is most evident in the area known as NewTipperary which was originally settled by tenantswithholding rent from their landlords. Today the unusual wooden frontedbuildings command high rents indeed and make a romantic place that is full ofcharacter to enjoy your stay in.


Main Street is the heart of the town with wide streetsradiating out from its centre. Here there are two monuments that celebrate therich history and tradition of the area. The bronze statue of local poet andpatriot Charles Kickham is accompanied by the nearby Maid of Erin whocommemorates the Irish patriots known as the Manchester Martyrs.

This feeling of patriotism and pride in Irish cultureis evident all around Tipperary and can beexplored further in the Excel Centre, just off Main Street, which offers anexciting mix of arts and entertainment events throughout the year.

Picturesque Tipperary

Tipperary derives itsname from the Irish ‘Tiobrad Arann’, which means the Well of the Ara – areference to the river that runs through this picturesque town.

The town is an excellent starting point for exploringthe famous – and very beautiful – Glen of Aherlow. This section of delightfulIrish countryside is suitable for walkers and cyclists of all levels offitness, offering walks that are well signposted and take in areas boastingstunning scenery.. There are unrivalled views of the Galtee mountains and anumber of rivers and lakes that really exemplify rural Ireland.

Sport in Tipperary

The whole county ofTipperary has an enviable sporting history: thepopular Gaelic games of hurling, Gaelic football and handball are all popular.But it is horse racing that is the real favourite,  and theTipperary Racecourse can be found just northwestof the town at Limerick Junction.

Visit Tipperary

Although it is known as the birthplace of the fatherof infamous Australian outlaw Ned Kelly, Tipperarytoday can only father a feeling of tranquility and warmth. It is a perfectexample of old Ireland moving at a refreshinglyslow pace - and a perfect introduction to the innocent delights of this scenicland.