Basilica of St Giles

Church of St. Aegidius showing a square or plaza, a church or cathedral and street scenes

At the northern end of the historic Bardejov Square sits a beautiful 15th-century church, an elegant Gothic basilica housing a rich collection of religious art.

The Church of St. Aegidius is among the most impressive examples of medieval and Renaissance-era architecture in Bardejov. The bright white exterior walls and pointed roof and spire are attractive sights, but inside is even more spectacular with 11 Gothic wing altars.

The three-nave church dates back to the 15th century and was built on the site of an earlier Cistercian monastery. After looking over the exterior, venture inside to see extraordinary examples of religious art.

Visit each one of the wing altars. The Altar to the Virgin Mary and the Altar of the Crucifixion have ornate and decorative panel paintings, which date back to the church’s earliest years. The panels feature key religious figures and scenes from the Bible. Stop by the Altar to St. Apollonia, who is the patron saint of dentistry. The original main altar was destroyed by fire, but two sculptures and a painting survive.

At the Altar of St. Barbara, see The Chair of Mercy, a beautiful wood carving. Among the other important pieces in the church are a stone baptismal font and the 15th-century Gothic pulpit.

Go up to the main altar, which is dedicated to St. Aegidius. Marvel at the statues, decorative carvings and vast windows behind it. Just before the altar, you will see a huge crucifix above your head, with smaller crosses at either side.

Climb up the stairs of the tower for views of Bardejov Square. Gaze further beyond the plaza to see the hills of the Prešov countryside and Bardejov Spa, another historic destination.

The Church of St. Aegidius is in the northern part of Bardejov Square, a 15-minute walk from Bardejov Station. It is open daily and there is a small fee to climb the tower. After your visit, explore the rest of the square. View the burgher houses with their multicolored façades and enter the old town hall for an exhibition that covers the area’s past.

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