Ratings based on 13 Verified Reviews

4.6 out of 5
100% of guests recommend
4.7 Room cleanliness
4.8 Service & staff
4.7 Room comfort
4.6 Hotel condition
Expedia Verified Reviews
4 out of 5
by A verified traveler

This traveler left a rating score only Posted 24 Aug 2019 on Hotels
5 out of 5
by A verified traveler

This traveler left a rating score only Posted 19 Aug 2017 on Hotels
4 out of 5
by A verified traveler

Posted 14 Jun 2017 on Hotels
w hostel is a very nice place to stay! Walk distance to d mall, banks, resto, etc.. Some of the staff are friendly and the room, bed, toilet is clean not to mention it's affordability... Surely I will go back to w. Hostel boracay...
5 out of 5
by Kaylin

Stay here, but bring ear plugs =)

Posted 8 Jun 2017 on Hotels
I stayed 2 nights here and would stay again. I am thankful for the airport shuttle. I could not believe how close it was to the beautiful beach, shopping and entertainment. You are given a key for your room and the locker below your bunk bed. I do not care for the floor lockers, but because sand gets everywhere it makes sense to have them. The staff were friendly and helpful, despite not giving the correction information regarding a discount on multiple attractions. There is a outdoor foot shower to rinse the sand from your feet before entering the property, which does cut down on sand on the floor. The bed was comfortable and I was given another blanket without an extra charge. I used it to cover the sliver of space between my bed and the wall that was dusty and had strands of hair there to avoid it getting on my clothes and belongings. For some reason the sinks kept clogging when I washed my face and hands. The shower floors stayed wet and the toilet paper for the community bathroom is outside the entrance. The property is close to a farm full of chickens; a few roosters crowed all throughout the day - hence the need for earplugs when you sleep. The front of the property is an eye sore, but regardless of all these faults I would definitely stay here again when I return to the island.
4 out of 5
for Everyone
by A verified traveler from Boston, MA, USA

Great place to stay! (bad wifi, $$$$ tours)

Posted 29 Mar 2017
I absolutely recommend W Hostel as a place to stay because of the amazing staff, modern building, comfortable rooms, big lockers, roof deck and convenient location (near station 2 Whites Beach and Dmall for food/drink/supplies). Be aware that there is very poor internet service. I think this is endemic to the whole island and the staff is helpful when internet is down. Tour prices inside hotel are very very expensive. Go straight to section 2 Whites Beach and look for white activities center tents. Negotiate price there (best to negotiate just before the tour leaves). Same tours. Much less $.
4 out of 5
by A verified traveler

I have really enjoyed my stay there

Posted 9 Dec 2016 on Hotels
I have been there for fuor nights and i found it great hostel id recomended to all ttavelers.
5 out of 5
by A verified traveler

호스텔 이용후기

Posted 15 Sep 2019 on Hotels
혼자 여행이신분 강추합니다^^한국인 직원분도 계시고 혼자여행이 처음이고 외국 게스트하우스는 처음이라 걱정 됬는데 그런 걱정이 무색할 만큼 재밌었고 좋았던 여행이였어요, 다음여행에도 혼자거나 친구랑 가게 되면 재이용 의사 있습니다. 위치 디몰까지 도보 5~10분거리에요^^ 아 그리고 침대탁상에 있는 라이트가 고장이 났는지 잘안나와서 그런것만 개선되면 좋겠습니다~
4 out of 5
by 지웅

Posted 1 Jun 2017 on Hotels
가족끼리 간다면 좋은곳이라고는 말하지 못하겠다 하지만 친구. 연인끼리간다면 그 어디보다 좋은곳
5 out of 5

저가 유스호스텔이라고 도저히 볼수 없는 퀄리티

Posted 29 Apr 2017 on Hotels
디몰과 매우 가까운데 되려 디몰보다 위치가 좋은게 디몰이 바로 코앞인데도 이 호텔 근처가 물가가 매우 저렴하고 필요한 시설이 모두 밀집되어서 매우 편리합니다. 디몰근처가 번잡하고 식사도 최소 300PHP이상에 바다수질이 오염되있어서 관광객만 거기서 수영해요. 스테이션1~디니위드 가기전이 계곡 마냥 에메랄드 빛이 맑은데 이 호텔서 걸어다녔어요. 이 호텔 인근은 식사가 65~185PHP이고 세탁45PHP 망고값도 더 싸고 마사지도 250PHP여요. 환전소도 환율이 더 좋습니다. 가격 위치 모두 최상인데 숙소도 너무 깔끔하고 침대도 쾌적하고 아침식사도 든든하고 맛있어요. 주방또한 어찌나 청소하시는지 물방울도 안떨어져있고 특히 옥상은 고급호텔처럼 수영장이 매우 좋습니다. 이가격받고 장사가 되려나 비영리단체인가 싶을 정도여요. 바로 앞집 MNL호스텔, 디몰 시에스타, YB호스텔 등 다 가봤는데 가격 대비 여기가 났고 그나마 래더 호스텔이 가격저렴한데 이 숙소에서 일직선으로 화이트비치에 선 죽그으면 대로변에 있는데 시설은 안좋구요.
5 out of 5
by pretty woman from seoul

참 좋았어요

Posted 28 Apr 2017 on Hotels
위치는 볼라복 해변 근처라서 좋았고 디몰이랑 큰길 가까워서 좋고 화이트비치도 그리 멀진 않았어요. 대신 골목길에 마트나 싼마사지는 없었고 조식은 죽이랑 빵이여서 좋았어요 스탭들도 친절하고 옥상이 시원하니 좋았고 암튼 대체로 만족했습니다