Ratings based on 191 Verified Reviews

3.2 out of 5
77% of guests recommend
3.4 Room cleanliness
3.6 Service & staff
3.0 Room comfort
2.8 Hotel condition
Expedia Verified Reviews
5 out of 5
by A verified traveler

Posted 3 Jul 2024
Comment from Hotel Management
30 Jul 2024 by Equipe de Hospdeagem, Hotel Management
Bom dia.Agradecemos imensamente sua avaliação.ficamos felizes por termos conseguido atender suas expectativas.Atenciosamente
3 out of 5
by A verified traveler

Posted 22 Feb 2021
Gostamos muito do visual da mata e do mar no local. Não gostamos das refeições. Havia poucas opções no almoço e jantar e a comida era simples para o tipo de hotel.
3 out of 5
by A verified traveler from Beverly Hills

Posted 25 Dec 2020
The staff is friendly and super helpful. However, the property is outdated and the rooms lack the comfort you expect on a hotel. I was unlucky to be next to a room with a very noisy, nasty, disrespectful and obnoxious family who made my first day a hell. The hotel staff tried to convince that family to behave, but they claimed they owned the property (meaning the room), so they’re entitled to do whatever mess they felt like. I wrote to the hotel, but they didn’t bother to reply. Luckily, I left that hotel and moved to Fasano Hotel where I had an awesome experience.
1 out of 5
by A verified traveler

Posted 28 Nov 2019
The room they initially gave us bared no resemblance to the photos on Expedia’s website. It was damp and mouldy, had obstructed view and was generally a massive disappointment. We arrived late and the language barrier made it difficult to rectify. Eventually we got a staff member who spoke English who showed us another room which was equally bad but it was so late we took it. The next day we asked to see more rooms and eventually got one that was acceptable, but still poor (bathroom had cockroaches in it) but I guess it’s a tropical country! They also don’t have mosquito nets which makes zero sense so sleeping was difficult. I had to wait until nearly 14:00 for them to sort out the cable lift down to the beach and then had to be back before 16:00 when it closed. There are also 3 “Portogalo suite hotel“ in the Angra area within 12km of each other so google maps was frustrating and we had to triple check the booking address (highly illogical hotel naming). The breakfast was also vert disappointing. I would avoid this hotel totally, it was obviously grand and nice in the 60’s or 70’s when it was built but is now run down, dated and poorly run.
2 out of 5
by A verified traveler from Iceland

Posted 23 Mar 2019
Photos did not show the reality. This hotel is in a terrible condition and the staff is tired and definitely underpaid. Sad because Im sure it was beautiful 20 years ago.
2 out of 5
by A verified traveler from Iceland

Posted 14 Mar 2019
This property os SO overrated. The rooms were terrible. It seems like everything froze in the year 1984. No renovations on anything. Would not reccomend this place for families.
2 out of 5
by A verified traveler

This traveler left a rating score only Posted 7 Aug 2017 on Hotels
2 out of 5
by A verified traveler

Posted 19 Nov 2024
O hotel está bem acabado, faltando manutenção, precisa modernização urgente, as portas ainda abrem com chave, wc com bidê por exemplo. O ar condicionado antigo faz muito barulho, tinha uma barata morta entre a minha cama e a mesa de cabeceira, nem após o serviço de arrumação ela não foi retirada. Uma piscina apenas. Não tem piscina aquecida para dias chuvosos ou frios e nem uma sala de jogos decente. Tem um espaço com três mesas de jogo, não tem sala de ginástica, se tinha recreação não vimos. Pegamos 2 dias de chuva e não tinha nada pra fazer no hotel, tivemos que ir ao shopping de Angra. O serviço do bar seco é péssimo, demorado, esquecem o pedido feito, o bar dentro da piscina não funciona, o espaço que aparece no site como sendo a pizzaria não funciona, o bar seco faz a pizza que aliás é pequena e caríssima, mas é gostosa. O jantar começa muito tarde às 20:00. Não tem lojinha no hotel caso precise comprar algo de emergência. Enfim falta muita coisa pra ser chamado de resort. Ficaríamos por 4 dias e viemos embora no 3o. O que salvou foi o passeio de lancha que alugamos no hotel mesmo com um senhor que presta esse serviço.
3 out of 5
by A verified traveler

Manutenção e reformas urgente!

Posted 18 Sep 2024 on Hotels
Instalações antigas, necessitando muito de manutenção/reforma. Staff completamente inexperiente e sem conhecimento sobre o hotel e instalações, resultando em demora no check in. Nenhuma acessibilidade para carrinhos de bebê e/ou pessoas com problema de mobilidade - escadas e mais escadas, nenhum tipo de rampa ou elevadores.
Comment from Hotel Management
30 Oct 2024 by Supervisão de hospedagem, Hotel Management
Bom dia.Agradecemos sua avalição e através dela que vamos melhorando cada dia mais nosso serviço e atendimento.
5 out of 5
by A verified traveler

Posted 17 Sep 2024 on Hotels
Comment from Hotel Management
18 Sep 2024 by Supervisão de hospedagem, Hotel Management
Bom dia Sr. Calos.Agradecemos sua avaliação.Ficamos felizes que tenhamos conseguido lhe atender bem.Aguardamos sua próxima estada conosco.